Play-Making is

Play-Making is how children make sense of their world.  They have a right to FREELY explore, experiment, and discover their POWER as thinkers, creators, and collaborators because PLAY-MAKING allows children to:

  • understand themselves, and others, as dynamic social, emotional, physical, and intellectual beings.
  • be meaning-makers in diverse, rigorous, and vigorous ways. 
  • develop the skills, mindsets, and dispositions necessary to become adults capable of creating a more equitable and just world for everyone.

Children already know how to be Play-Makers. Are we willing to let them?

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Play-Makers are Change-Makers


To collaborate with parents and caregivers, teachers, and members of community organizations to bring more Play-Making, hope and joy into their own and their children’s lives. Together we will: 

  • Honor the important work you are already doing with children as a point of action.
  • Cultivate a deep understanding of what Play-Making is and the central role it has in children’s healthy social, emotional, physical and intellectual development.
  • Free adults to create a culture of Play-Making in their families, classrooms, and community organizations with ideas they can put into action NOW.

Play-Making is a right not a privilege


What is a culture of Play-Making? →
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A Play-Maker’s Play-Book

This ever-changing, multi-media Play-Book is at the center of our work with parents and caregivers, teachers, and members of community organizations. We use our book to help others build a culture of Play-Making in their work with children.


Read the Play-Book →
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Wholemindesign Studio For Teaching and Learning


Play-Making Now! is an initiative of Wholemindesign Studio for Teaching and Learning, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping others turn their ideas into action that drives positive change in the world.

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