In-Person Studio Sessions

The Play-Making Now project is part of Wholemindesign Studio for Teaching and Learning, a non-profit organization in Ann Arbor, Michigan devoted to nurturing every kind of educator, and supporting them to create cultures of thinking and Play-Making for the children in their lives.

Diane Tamblyn and Katrin Robertson are your studio partners. They have over 60 years of combined experience as educators, spanning pre K – College. We hope you will come play and make at our studio, and be change-makers in your children’s education.

Reflections from educators who have joined us at our studio:

“My experience at Wholemindesign Studio has had the single biggest impact on growing my teaching and thinking as a learner.”

“Get ready to be so engaged in deep thought that you will be simultaneously exhausted and energized. You will walk away as a better teacher and human being.”

“Being at Wholemindesign Studio is a very restorative process from the setting, the time to reflect, and the thoughtful conversations that allow you to return to school feeling energized and renewed.”