Show & Share Gallery

Calling all Play-Makers! The world needs to know your stories of creativity and imagination, NOW!

By sharing your story with us, your voice becomes part of a wider community calling for more Play-Making, NOW!  Check back soon, your Play-Making may appear in the Show and Share gallery!

Play-Maker Rae, age 5, takes TIME to Try, Try, Try again to learn how to pump on the swing. “I did it!” she exclaimed.
Play-Maker Isaiah, age 9, is an Eager Explorer. He hunted for crabs and made a spot to observe them using rocks, sand and water. “It was fun! I figured out I had to use wet sand because dry sand didn’t hold its shape” he reported.
These Play-Makers are Beautifully Brave. They created original art inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem, “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me.”

Play-Maker Madigan, age 6, Maps to show the Magic of her mind. “This is what my brain looks like when I think” she says.